April 23, 2020

Advantages of integrating RFEM calculation software with a cloud application



Engineering firm MH Poly has been using the RFEM structural analysis software for years. This software is provided by MSc Engineering. Bard Louis, CEO at MH Poly and Emiel Peltenburg, owner of MSc engineering, have developed an application on the VIKTOR platform that allows calculations for fender systems to be performed automatically so that multiple iterations can be done easily.
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Previously, many calculations for fender systems were done with rules of thumb. This is no longer possible, due to the stricter new standards. The calculations now have to be done in more detail, which creates a lot of extra work for the engineers. Calculating all options manually one by one is laborous, so it was decided to automate them. Louis: “The calculation of constructions will be increasingly automated. The time gained from this can then be used to solve complex problems.”

Automating repetitive tasks

Peltenburg explains: “Repetitive elements are very suitable for programming, and so can be calculated using an application.” With repetitive elements, the same calculation must always be performed, something that an application on the computer can do much faster than a structural engineer by hand. “Once the repetition is found in a construction, letting a computer do that calculation allows one to save a lot of time,” says Peltenburg.


MH Poly uses the calculation software RFEM to calculate the fender systems. Louis was very interested in creating an application for fender systems and asked Peltenburg to work on this together. The application they created contains an interface between the RFEM software and the VIKTOR platform. Peltenburg: “We offer an API to all our customers, on which applications can be made. This was the first time that it has been taken on in a professional manner.”

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Automating engineering

In the fall, the application will be presented on the MSc Engineering customer day. “We want to show our customers that the sector is changing and what possibilities there are in terms of automation.” Peltenburg says. Louis, “This application is a pilot to see how it goes, but it is my intention to collaborate more if everything goes well.”

“The biggest advantage of using VIKTOR is to initiate a change in thinking amongst engineers. There is still a lot of traditional thinking, which has to change to a way that makes better use of ICT developments in the field of engineering”, says Louis. Peltenburg adds, “The nice thing is that you don’t know what will happen in the future. There are so many options it can be used for: Artificial Intelligence, Parametric Design, Machine Learning.”

MH Poly is an engineering company that has been using the computational analysis software RFEM from Dlubal for years. This software is provided by MSc Engineering. Emiel Peltenburg is a specialist at MSc Engineering and distributor of the software RFEM and IDEA StatiCa.


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