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December 20, 2023
by VIKTOR Team
For each VIKTOR app in your organization's environment, you can see how often this app has been used through the number in the top-right corner of the card. This number measures unique daily logins per user, per app. Apps can be sorted by popularity (most-least) and novelty (newest-oldest) to help you spot new and popular tools in your organization. Chances are they could be beneficial for your workflow as well!
To explore popular apps within a specific domain (i.e. structural engineering) you can “sort by most used” in combination with a domain label.
Measuring how often your apps are used is important, as it provides a good understanding of the impact your tools have on your organization. This helps you estimate the time you can invest in further developing your app, so you can continue to make your and your colleagues’ lives easier! This data-driven approach ensures that development efforts align with actual app impact.
Head to your VIKTOR environment to discover which apps are most popular within your organization! And don't forget to check these recent updates that help you enhance the platform usability!