by VIKTOR Team
As more apps are developed within an organization, it can become difficult to keep track of everything that's available. Especially for larger organizations with different departments and locations, there might be an ideal app for a specific task that is immensely beneficial for other colleagues. However, they might not know it exists at all. The random development of web apps can lead to missed opportunities or duplicated efforts, with teams unintentionally reinventing the wheel. Hence, there is a pressing need to efficiently inform users about all apps in your organization.
The App Store is a centralized hub showcasing every app made within an organization, its purpose, and the maintainers (including contact information). This opens a channel for collaboration and knowledge sharing. You can readily reach out to the maintainer(s) of the app to request access or delve into further details about the app (description, images, versions).
Alternatively, app developers can gather valuable feedback or requests from new users and adjust their app logic to efficiently spread across teams. This collaborative process enables fast fine-tuning, ensuring the app continuously keeps improving.
We're inviting you to join our community page. Let's chat about ways to enhance collaboration at work and efficiently integrate web apps into your workflow.