June 21, 2021

VIKTOR and CRUX announce partnership to develop automation products for Geo Engineers



Last week on June 17th, VIKTOR and CRUX signed a partnership as the start of their cooperation in the development of automation products for the Geotechnical and Geohydraulic engineering market.
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Combining the expertise of both companies allows for the creation of an integrated product. Through an API, CRUX Engineering Microservices (CEMS), a starting IT company that is powered by CRUX, will take care of the backend, which contains the heart of the geo-calculations. VIKTOR is responsible for the creation of an accessible and easy to use web application.

“It is a nice collaboration between CRUX and VIKTOR because at CRUX they have a lot of professional experience in soil mechanics, foundations, and geotechnical engineering and they also create a lot of powerful API's. These things may be a bit hard to understand for people that are not necessarily educated in coding and Python so making this kind of knowledge from CRUX more accessible through use of the VIKTOR platform is really beneficial to engineers. We make this part accessible for them with an intuitive interface that everybody is able to use.” – Matthias Hauth, Python developer at VIKTOR.

Before this, VIKTOR and CRUX had already been working together on GeoTools: an application that automatically interprets CPTs on the VIKTOR platform based on machine learning via an API developed by CEMS. PileCore and VibraCore are two other collaborative applications, developed to design pile foundations and predict vibrations caused by foundation activities. These applications are currently developed and will be launched this summer!

In the picture are from left to right Jacco Haasnoot (Director/owner of CRUX), Johan Zwaan (partner at CEMS), Stijn Jansen (Head application development at VIKTOR), Matthias Hauth (Python developer at VIKTOR), Peter Madlener (Co-founder of VIKTOR), and Wouter Riedijk (Co-founder of VIKTOR).

We are looking forward to our collaboration!


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