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June 13, 2023
Together with Arcadis, an application was developed that can be used to retrieve and download precipitation data from water boards and provinces in the Netherlands. Provincie Zuid-Holland provided R&D subsidy “The Netherland Climate Proof with AI Monitoring and Signaling”. The tool uses data from the KNMI: The Dutch Royal Meteorological Institute.
After a wet start of the year, especially in Spring, it is now reported that ground water levels in the eastern and northern parts of the Netherlands are decreasing rapidly. Earlier this year, Dutch news channel NOS reported on the effects of last summer’s extreme drought and heat. Looking at the graphs, it seems this year will be no different. As an example, we took graphs from water boards Zuid-Holland and Noorderzijlvest, comparing data from 1976, 2018, 2022, and 2023.
Precipitation in water board of Noorderzijlvest
Precipitation in Provincie Zuid-Holland
As it continues to get dryer, it can be useful to occasionally assess the graphs or use them in your dry monitor. The application is publicly available for free:
We would like to give a special thanks to Arjen Koomen, Senior Project Leader and Advisor Water Quality and Quantity at Arcadis, Robbert de Lange, Consultant at Arcadis, and Ruben Egbers, Consultant at VIKTOR for the development of this application.